What Are Connect Groups?
In a world full of obligations and competing priorities, connecting with other people can be a challenge. Desperation Church is a community of weekend services and a variety of small groups throughout the week for community and discipleship. We call them “Connect Groups”.
At Desperation Church our Connect Groups can briefly be explained like this: :
Connect Groups center around the simple idea of getting people together.
We believe when people of God spend time with one another, He’ll do something good among them.
Close relationships form organically so we don’t try to force “intimacy” with others.
Different Connect Groups are available during each of 3 semesters that last for 12 weeks each..
This fits the natural rhythm of the school year.
Each semester offers new opportunities.
Once registration is closed, groups are locked in for that semester but sign ups for the next semester are always on the horizon.
At the end of each semester, members of Connect Groups have the opportunity to join new Connect Groups for the next semester.
Each Connect Group has a theme or concept based on interests.
This could be for an activity, a book study, ministry focus or a spiritual pursuit.
All of these are important and are connected to the shared walk of faith we have in Jesus Christ
Connect Groups are anything but “small”
We encourage leaders to grow them as big as their space and resources allow.
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